WIFI or wireless networks prevalent everywhere , from the cafeteria , workshops , campus , up to a refueling point . Network depends on the strength of the received signal by the wireless network card you have. If used for a WIFI hotspot network declined to berkosekuensi on browsing speeds that create stress . Therefore if your WIFI signal is bad , do not despair there are many ways that can be used to strengthen utntuk WIFI signal .
1 . Is
your wireless network card supports an external antenna or in other
words the default antenna can be removed and replaced antenna other.If
Yes , you will be able to buy the omni antenna and connect to the
network card . If
you do not want to use this method , you can use a wireless repeater (
you can buy a new access point and set its repeater , it 's just more
expensive ) .
2 . Remove objects that block your WIFI signal .
3 . Minimize the mirror in the room that there wifinya . Because glass using metallic substance to reflect light so that the WIFI signal could reflect a terinterferensi WIFI signal .
4 . If
your network card can be set , set it to Maximize Coverage to maximize
jangkauan.Misalkan by setting the Power Management from Windows to the
maximum and to the Maximum Transmit power .
5 . Turn off the wireless network card if there is no signal at all near your WIFI .
6 . Computer
casing may be a barrier wifi signal , so try to change the position of
the computer case so it does not obstruct the network card with antenna
access point / wireless router .
7 . Add an external antenna dBi high-gain with higher signal to improve performance . The higher dBi increases the signal horizontal , but vertical signals decreased . So
if we want to create a computer network for a multi-storey building
then try to use WIFI or WIFI repeater amplifiers to boost your signal .
8 . use reflector antenna receivers near you . better use such as a parabolic reflector shape , the pan is the easiest thing you encounter is parabolic . The
reflector should be placed behind the receiving device , the larger the
size of the reflector will increase the collected signal . In Indonesia is commonly known as wajanbolic .
9 . If
all else fails , you can memnbeli WIFI repeater , which functions as an
amplifier that amplifies the signal between the router and your device .
Unique way with cans
home is equipped with a WiFi network but often signal often dropped or
lost , especially if the laptop you 're away from the router / access
point .
happens mostly because of the quality of the router itself or there is a
barrier / wall that can reduce the quality of the WiFi signal .
Here are tips to strengthen the WiFi signal . It is very easy and you just simply use material from soft drink made from cans .
Equipment and Materials
Before you begin , prepare the following materials :
Knife " cutter "
" Double - tape " thick
Drinks in cans ( preferably non carbonated drinksTools and materials required .Step Work
1 . Wash the empty beverage cans and remove the hooks on the can opener . With a cutter knife , cut out the bottom of the cans .2 . Also cut the top of the cans , but leaving about 1-2 cm near the hole .
3 . Cans cut lengthwise with scissors .
4 . Put " double - tape " at the top of the cans that now has turned into the bottom .
5 . Finally, slide the router's antenna into the hole and set a wing span that is created .
Signal booster made in the above manner can increase the signal of at least 2 lines .
Cara Mempekuat Sinyal Modem part 1
Cara Memperkuat Sinyal Modem Part 2
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